Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an optical imaging modality that uses near infrared light to create high-resolution images of tissue microstructure.

TOMOGRAPHY: image production method from a series of planes or single cuts.

COHERENCE: a measure of the correlation between the phases of a wave or waves.

OPTICAL: of or related to light (visual).

OCT provides more detail than other techniques, with a resolution of 10 microns:

  • Has 10 times more resolution than IVUS
  • Image acquisition is 20 times faster than IVUS
  • Acquired images are sharp, detailed and easy to interpret


  • The patient is registered in the ILUMIEN console
  • The Dragonfly catheter is cleaned out of the patient with a flush. It will leak
  • The catheter is connected to the DOC (covered with a sleeve) of the ILUMIEN console
  • The Dragonfly catheter is introduced into the patient. With approx. 25 cm outside the catheter can be calibrated from the console
  • The Dragonfly catheter is flushed and waits for the catheter to be ready
  • Once ready, a flush is made from the guide catheter and the pullback is performed from the console